A Smooth FM é uma estação de rádio portuguesa do grupo Bauer Media Audio Portugal. Criada em 2011, pelo antigo grupo MCR nasceu fruto da reestruturação das rádios deste grupo. A estação começou por emitir nos 103.0 MHz Barreiro (Grande Lisboa) e nos 92.8 MHz Figueiró dos Vinhos (região Centro)
Smooth FM - Cool
... and all that jazz!
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Radio/TV signal may only be available in certain countries or regions.
To install a Progressive Web Application (PWA) or Web/APP, application stores are not necessary, so you do not need to go to the Play Store or App Store.
How to install a PWA on Android?
Just visit them with your browser and look for the option "Install Application" or "Add to home screen"
How to install a PWA on iOS?
Access the PWA through its URL from Safari. Click on the share button in Safari. Click on "Add to home screen" Check that the name that appears on the home screen suits you. Modify it if necessary and click on "Add"