About this Radio

96.3好FM 是新加坡新报业媒体有限公司(英语:SPH Media Trust)华文媒体集团旗下的电台频道,广播頻率為FM 96.3MHz。于2018年1月8日早上8点正式启播至今,是新加坡第6家中文调频广播电台。96.3好FM 是一家音乐资讯电台,主要以华语作为广播媒介语 。空中除了有最精彩的八、九十年代的华语经典金曲,也带给大家不可或缺的即时新闻和评论、消费、保健、娱乐等各种过美好生活所需的信息和精神粮食。现今的台呼为 963好FM,好时光,好歌,好FM。该台为新报业媒体有限公司旗下的两条中文频道之一,同样所属新报业媒体的姐妹台还有UFM 100.3。 ...


96.3好FM l 好时光,好歌,好FM l SPH Media | Radio

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PWA: Progressive Web App 96.3FM

To install a Progressive Web Application (PWA) or Web/APP, application stores are not necessary, so you do not need to go to the Play Store or App Store.

How to install a PWA on Android?

Just visit them with your browser and look for the option "Install Application" or "Add to home screen"

How to install a PWA on iOS?

Access the PWA through its URL from Safari. Click on the share button in Safari. Click on "Add to home screen" Check that the name that appears on the home screen suits you. Modify it if necessary and click on "Add"

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